2021 年 7 月 7 日,来也科技迎来 6 周年司庆,从五周年的五地同庆到如今的全球连线,迈入新一岁的来也科技也已经踏上了全球化的新征途!来也科技董事长兼 CEO 汪冠春也借此契机发出全球公开信,宣告:新世界,新来也!

以下译自来也科技董事长兼 CEO 汪冠春全球公开信致辞:

“在人工智能时代,如何让每一个人都可以拥有属于自己的智能机器人?” 6 年来,我们一直试图回答这个问题,并以此为愿景不断探索,使答案日趋清晰。

L A I Y E新征程

自 2015 年来也科技创立,通过软件机器人和人工智能技术打造世界级的产品,使每一家企业能够获得更好的发展,帮助每一个人成就更好的自我,是我们不变的信念。

我们处于一个变革的时代,新兴技术不断涌现。扎根于中国本土,来也科技从对话式 AI 技术入手,为个人用户、中小企业客户提供聊天机器人产品,应用于陪伴、客服、销售、内部流程问答等等场景。得益于中国卓越的创投环境、中国企业客户对于新技术的拥抱,我们的聊天机器人产品已经为上亿的用户和企业员工提供服务。


在这一过程中,我们也看到企业的更多需求,不仅需要机器人通过自然语言与人类对话互动,那些日常工作中的大量重复、繁琐的任务,也亟需通过机器人解决。如何去解决这一诉求?由人工智能驱动的变革性的 RPA(机器人流程自动化)解决方案,是我们探索到的答案。很快,我们就看到来也的 RPA 产品在企业中的各个部门、不同行业的丰富场景中被应用,为客户带来了惊人的收益回报。

今天,我们的产品走进不同国家与地区,我们与神州数码搭建了二级分销合作,与微软中国、德勤中国、浪潮云建立了战略联盟。500 家遍布全球的合作伙伴,40 万开发者——我们所坚持的双生态战略已经开花结果,他们是我们最重要的支持者,共同拓展 RPA 和人工智能在全球的应用。

L A I Y E新产品

2020 年,突如其来的疫情改变了我们每个人的生活方式,改变了企业的工作方式。作为一家 RPA+AI 产品的提供者,我们看到市场对于 RPA 产品的迫切需要,我们快速响应企业客户的需求,帮助企业搭建起灵活可靠的自动化方案,衔接起不同的系统、业务、个人,使每一个员工在软件机器人的帮助下,可以专注于更关键的任务。

在 2020 年中的公开信中,我曾大胆预测“NLP 自然语言处理将成为各大 RPA + AI 厂商谁能制胜的关键战场之一” 。用 NLP 搭建起人与机器之间沟通的桥梁,实现人机交流交互,是不可逆转的趋势,RPA 厂商对于 NLP 技术的掌控将成为差异化的重中之重。

我们发布了智能文档处理产品,以补充我们的对话式 AI 和 RPA 产品矩阵。今年 4 月份,全新升级的UiBot Mage文档理解功能,已经可以帮助企业低成本的搭建可投产的 AI 模型;而 UiBot Creator也突破性的实现了对话式流程生成功能,即便你没有任何代码经验,也一样可以搭建一个机器人助手。我们正在通过提供集成式的自动化平台,帮助企业和组织构建衔接前台到后台的、端到端的智能自动化方案。

这正是我们对于打造一个世界级 RPA+AI 平台的重要实践,我们的产品不断获得中国移动、南方电网、中国太平洋保险、联想、美的、龙湖地产、沃尔玛、罗氏、强生、保时捷、LVMH、 Nike 等近百家全球500强客户的认可,被 Gartner、Forrester 等世界领先的机构认可。

L A I Y E新任命


今年 4 月份,我们获得了由中国平安旗下平安全球领航基金、上海人工智能产业基金联合领投,光速中国、红杉中国、双湖资本继续跟投的新一轮融资。在 6 年的创业之路上,我们与我们的投资者建立了深厚的信任和默契,他们对于新兴技术的远见,国际化的经验与视野,不断给予我们指导。

我们的团队汇聚了 AI 和软件领域的老兵,面对高速变化的世界,面对客户不断呈现出的新需求,我们仍然保持谦虚,持续开放接纳不同观点,引入优秀的人才:

Ronen Lamdan

今年年初 Ronen Lamdan 作为来也科技海外 CEO,成为了我们其中的一员,他曾任WorkFusion亚太区负责人、Microsoft销售总监,将带领海外团队帮助全球客户实现由 RPA+AI 结合引导的智能自动化转型。


在中国市场,我们的业务团队迎来了周玉荣担任高级销售副总裁,他曾是 VMware 的大中国区商业客户部总经理,将带领销售团队不断扩展 RPA+AI 产品在中国市场的深度与广度。

今天,我们迎来来也科技的第 6 个年头,在中国的文化里,6 是一个幸运的数字,一个美好的意象,寓意诸事顺利。2015 年,面对未知的挑战,凭借一句“来也”的勇气,我们踏上了创业之路。这一路有波澜壮阔的风景,也有挑战和未知,但是我们相信智能自动化、数字劳动力的应用正在稳健、迅速发展;我们相信智能机器人必将成为助力企业与个人成长的力量。我们期待在这个智能自动化的新世界里,陪伴全球每一家企业、每一个人,共同获得更好的发展,成就更好的自我。

L A I Y E精彩瞬间


English Version:

"In the era of artificial intelligence, how can we build smart robots for everyone?"

Since Laiye was founded in 2015, this has always been the question we try to answer and a vision we want to realize. We firmly believe automation and AI can help business and people do better and be better.

With roots in China, Laiye started with conversational AI and developed chatbots for individual users, SMBs and visionary enterprises. AI-driven chatbots that take advantage of the latest development in deep learning and natural language processing have many uses cases such as providing companion, customer service, marketing and sales as well as Q&A on internal processes. The chatbots we have developed are now serving hundreds of millions of consumers.

Two years ago, we expanded our product offerings with Robotic Process Automation because our customers were telling us they need bots that can not only interact with humans in natural language but also process tedious and repetitive tasks. Very soon we saw adoption of RPA across functions within an organization and across a wide range of industries. The number of scenarios in which software robot can deliver phenomenal ROI ballooned. Last year, we added Intelligent Document Processing product to complement our conversational AI and RPA products.

The result? We can now offer an integrated platform to help enterprises and government agencies to build end-to-end intelligent automation solutions anywhere in the organization --- from back office to front office. Additionally, Laiye has made steady and rapid process in fostering an ecosystem with an exuberant developer community and an extensive partner network. We now have over 400K registered developers, many of whom have taken our free online training courses and received certification. Hundreds of certified citizen developers have published bot applications and monetized by serving thousands of prosumers and SMBs on our bot store.

While We have built a two-tiered distribution channel with Digital China enabling over 500 partners we signed to offer the widest coverage on all RPA and AI opportunities, we have also forged strategic alliances with Microsoft China, Deloitte China and Inspur to jointly serve the top customers in China. Laiye has now worked with nearly 100 Fortune Global 500 companies such as Walmart, Nike, Porsche, LVMH, Roche, Johnson&Johnson, China Mobile, China Southern Power Grid, China Taiping Insurance, Lenovo, Midea and Longfor.

The pandemic has changed the world for good. It made governments of all countries and organization across all industries to rethink their digital strategies. Digital workforce is crucial for business and people to sustain against such existential crisis. For example, the bots we developed to simultaneously call hundreds of residents in a neighborhood for health information and then automatically report the aggregated information to the government IT system were used in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, and reduced hours of work to minutes for the heavy-loaded community workers. This year, we have received requests to not only teach college students but also middle school students on how to apply RPA and Intelligent automation technologies and prepare to embrace the era of AI.

In this new world, we are feeling a stronger sense of urgency to deliver our innovative solutions to more customers in China and beyond. Therefore, we have designed our new LAIYE logo and launched our global website. We also set up our Asia Pacific headquarter in Singapore to spearhead our international expansion.

In April, we announced our $50M series C+ led by PingAn Global Voyage Fund and Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Equity Investment Fund. Existing investors Lightspeed, Sequoia and Wu Capital also participated. The latest round of financing demonstrated investors confidence in the direction the New Laiye is taking.

We are also very pleased that two sales veterans have joined Laiye recently. Ronen Lamdan, who was head of Asia Pacific at WorkFusion and a director at Microsoft is now serving as CEO Laiye International to lead our global expansion efforts. Robert Zhou, who worked as the Commercial GM of Greater China at VMWare, is now Sales SVP to scale our offering in more enterprise customers in China.

6 is a lucky number in Chinese culture. It means everything will go smoothly. While we fully expect to still encounter more unexpected in this new world, we believe the adoption of intelligent automation and digital workforce will continue past the inflection point steadily and rapidly. The 6-year-old and more global new Laiye is here to help you do better and be better.