Laiye Automation Challenge July 2021

As businesses around the globe experience unprecedented disruptions and financial challenges, innovation has become the top priority for all organizations. After all, in adversity, we innovate. We create, persevere, and succeed.
And in these challenging times, we invite all developers to unleash their creativity and produce unique solutions tackling real-world problems in Laiye Automation Challenge July 2021.

Get ready to get creative. Build innovative solutions to tackle a range of business problems using any RPA platform and win cash prizes.
We welcome solutions addressing a range of organizational challenges businesses around the world are tackling at this moment. Developers can create solutions on any scenario, or to one of the five questions below:
Q1: During the COVID-19 pandemic, many small and medium-size businesses have to handle their business operations both offline and online, as opposed to only offline before COVID-19. How can they leverage RPA in their daily business operations to meet the new challenges in the e-commerce marketplaces?
Q2: The new generation of customers demand faster responses and better customer service in the retail industry. How can they leverage RPA to help with retailers for delivering good customer service?
Q3: Due to many reasons, SMBs have been managing internal data across multiple systems or platforms, and sometimes spreadsheets too. One of the most frequently used data is customer details. How to leverage RPA to improve customer data entry and reuse for order processing and billing?
Q4: From drafting emails to arranging contactless delivery, logistics is known for its high volume of tedious, manual work which often causes problematic delays -- and now it faces a whole host of other challenges arising from COVID restrictions. How could intelligent automation help SMEs in the logistics industry to save costs and increase operational efficiency during a time of social distancing?
Q5: Supply chain planning is highly data-intensive with large, sophisticated data sets such as historical sales, market indicators, and custom orders which need to be manually processed and analysed by numerous members in the organisation. This process can be highly error-prone and time-consuming. How can intelligent automation help in this regard?
Is Laiye RPA necessary?
No. You are not restricted to Laiye RPA – you enjoy the freedom to select an RPA platform that enables you to employ your creativity and develope a unique solution within two weeks.
Usage of Laiye RPA, however, will be considered during evaluation and submissions that have used Laiye RPA will have a slightly higher likelihood of winning.
Where can I get Laiye RPA?
1. Download the free community edition from our website.
2. All the existing members of Laiye Developer Community who have passed the level 1 certification may receive the latest Laiye RPA Enterprise version -- one of the few RPA platforms globally with clone mode.
3. You may obtain a license key of our latest enterprise version upon successful completion of level 1 developer certification. More details here.
Cash Prizes
In addition to being recognized and promoted by Laiye on social media, the top three winners will receive:
1. First prize: $500
2. Second prize: $300
3. Third prize: $100
Who can Participate?
We welcome all professionals familiar with RPA including:
1. RPA professionals
2. Software Developers
3. Automation experts
4. Technology engineers
Participants can enter as individuals or as a team.
Submission materials:
Submission Form: Mention the chosen question or challenge in the Submission Form along with other details including your idea, area of application, impact on the business, benefits of using it for a business like saving on operational cost, ROI, etc.
Description: the text description of the solution is required.
Images: key images or screenshots of the solutions should be submitted.
Source Code: the source code accessible publicly of the bot files. The bot files/submissions can be shared using GitHub or can send to Laiye privately.
Video: a short video of not more than 5 minutes explaining the bot solutions.
Key dates:
July 21st 2021: July Automation Challenge begins. Participants have two weeks to register and submit their solutions.
August 5th 2021: July Automation Challenge concludes. All the submissions will be evaluated according to the pre-defined criteria.
August 6 – August 8th: Top 5 candidates are selected and invited to a video-call to present their solutions.
August 9th: Top three winners along with the top 5 candidates are announced.
Judging Criteria for the Submissions
1. Creativity: The overall innovativeness of the submitted solution.
2. Platform usage: solutions developed from Laiye RPA will be awarded additional points.
3. Usefulness: Whether a certain industry or market would benefit from the solution.
4. Impact: how closely does it address real-life issues?
Laiye Automation Challenge July 2021 has concluded.
See the results here!