Connect with the world of Intelligent automation at your fingertips

Laiye Cloud-native Robotics provides a browser-based RPA Suite. Servers are available in a public cloud or in private deployment and generally run on Linux-based operating systems.
A Cloud-native robot links to you as long as you open your browser
Users can get access and use Creators and Workers on browsers without installation, which greatly reduces the deployment of each operating environment and the operation and maintenance costs.
Automation Suites are deployed in Docker containers. Resources are occupied only when applications run and process being executed, which will greatly improve the utilization rate of server resources.
Mirror environment provides a complete runtime environment including the kernel. The instance environment is created based on the mirror, improving the uniformity and stability of the production environment.
No client installation
Creator and Worker are changed from C/S to B/S architecture, which means the RPA Suite can be installed on a group of servers, and after the servers are deployed, users can instantly use all the functions through the browser that supports HTML5.
Virtualization deployment
Docker containers are used to achieve lightweight virtualization deployment of operating systems. Users can create processes and run unattended Automation Workers in each "container" environment. Meanwhile, process owners will not be bothered by robots while all logs can be recorded to meet the requirement of audit.
More stable execution
Programs and configuration are packaged in the image. A generic environment is provided by default while users can customize their environment based on the use case and default image. With this function, processes developed can be executed more stably regardless of the local environment.